Saturday, November 14, 2015

Week 10: Guess what she tells me!- Free Treats in this one!

Assignments for the week 
04.00 L’Histoire de Paris Pretest
04.01 Photo Essay
04.01 Photo Essay Voice Activity
04.01 Discussion
 4.02 Les Adverbes Voice

GET TO 55% Complete You should have completed 37 assignments out of the 63 by 11/06 BEHIND PACE MEANS THAT YOU HAVEN”T REACH 50% this week

Please make sure you read the directions for your assignments. The easiest, is for you to cut/paste your work in the student comment section (it helps me grade faster) MERCI

If a video or picture doesn’t show in the course clear your cache and then call Tech Support Tel: 866-322-8324 Merci 

If you want to get reminder on your phone TEXT @msmarcop to this number (305) 290-4918


DBA Hours 
Monday: 8:00-11:00AM
Tuesday: 8:00-11:00AM
Tuesday : 6:30 PM -7:30PM
Wednesday: Lab Visit American
Thursday: 11AM-2:00 PM
Friday 3:00PM-5:00PM
 Dispo de 8 à 8

Link to the my office for DBA (YOU DON”T NEED APPOINTMENT) (for your tablet or cell phone) Madame Marco Virtual Office You access the DBA virtual classroom via my announcement page

Lab Visit This Month 
American on 4th Coral Reef on 10th and 11th
 I won’t be visiting Cutler Bay

My Treat for Halloween WHAT TO REVIEW FOR DBA Make sure you scroll to the bottom and you watch each of the 3 videos (less than 10 min total) 

 DBA 1 & 2 You have to know how to conjugate Être , Avoir, Faire, and aller in the present tense. (see attached for review) - Review how to make sentence with adjectives (masc/fem/plural) - Be able to answer questions about what you like at school, what is your favorite class and why, what you have seen in your classroom. A great review of the Present Tense! It’s 2 min long. .. EASY EASY
 DBA 3 Reflexive Verbs (how to conjugate a reflexive verb) je me lave, tu te douches, il se brosse, nous nous couchons, vous vous levez, elles se maquillent Adverb (jamais/souvent/toujours/parfois – full list on the help site module 3) Negation- ie. Subject+ne+verb+pas. ie. je n'aime pas les devoirs. !
Vocabulary from going to the doctor

DBA 4 All about the Passé compose The passé composé is a compound conjugation, which means it has two parts: present tense of the auxiliary verb (either avoir or être) YOU MUST KNOW HOW TO CONJUGATE BOTH IN THE PRESENT TENSE! past participle (PP) of the main verb Je suis partie, elle a mangé, j'ai eu, tu as été if you use être then the PP is in agreement with the subject. elle est allée if you use avoir then the PP agrees with the direct object if the direct object is placed before the verb. ie. Elles ont mangé des pommes. Elles les ont mangées
DBA 5 All about the imparfait Review how to conjugate. You have review videos on each module on the help website. HELP VIDEO You should try to understand it’s a fun song… elle me dit (she tells me!)


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